Friday, February 27, 2009

Dealing With People

Five strategies for handling stubborn clients
Date: January 21st, 2009
Author: Chip Camden
Category: consulting
Tags: Client, Benefits, Strategy, Human Resources, Management, Chip Camden

When a client asks you to implement a project’s solution that isn’t up to your standards, what do you do? Here are five possible ways of handling this type of situation.
Consultants don’t technically own the project they’re working on. The project belongs to the client, and they’re the ones who will have to live with whatever monster you create for years to come. Nevertheless, the project feels like your baby. You care about the quality of your work, and you can’t bring yourself to mar it with inelegance or stupidity. But you may sometimes encounter a situation when that’s exactly what your client wants you to do. They don’t think it’s bad because, to them, it’s a matter of following standard, documented practices. But you see that the standard has outlived its usefulness and that, in fact, it poses serious threats to the client’s success down the road.
You explain your thoughts and give your advice on the matter (after all, you’re a consultant, that’s what you do), but your client’s technical lead is adamantly opposed to these strange new ways. What do you do? Here are five suggestions.
Go with the flow. It is the client’s system, after all, and they’re paying you to do what they want. You’ve given them the benefit of your wisdom, and they’ve chosen to ignore it, so just do things their way. Who knows, maybe they’re right after all — there’s always more than one way to look at the pros and cons of anything. Of course, this makes you less than excited about working for them. In fact, you may subconsciously start to think of the whole project as tainted, which could lead to quality slippage in other areas as well.
Go away. Ask to be excused from the project because you have irreconcilable differences with the approach. If they won’t listen to you, then why stick around for the inevitable train wreck? On the other hand, it’s highly likely that by dropping out, you could eliminate all future opportunity for engagements with this client. It might also be seen as a scare tactic or even a suicidal cry for attention.
Go up the ladder. Take your argument to the technical lead’s boss. If you can convince her, then maybe you can bring pressure back around from the top. Of course, this won’t help your relationship with the technical lead. Even if he has to give in, he’ll look for ways to assert his control in the future. Watch for hidden daggers.
Go out to the masses. Discuss the pros and cons with as many people in the organization as might be interested. Create a buzz over your new ideas until the new ideas overwhelm the old ones. This approach can also cause resentment — nobody likes to give in to mob rule. So you’d have to figure out how to build that support without casting yourself in the role of demagogue.
Go back to the drawing board. Look for new ways to make your argument. How can you express the benefits of the new approach more clearly? Is there a valid way to compromise — getting essentially what you want, while satisfying whatever need is driving your client? Stop and think: Why is this person so attached to the current practices? What benefits from them, or what threats from your proposal, does she perceive? Maybe you should ask her just that question — not in a snarky way, but really looking for her reasons. Of course, if the answer is “because I said so” (in so many words), then you’ve reached a dead end.
This situation isn’t entirely hypothetical for me right now, so I’m keeping the details vague and the participants anonymous. I’m also genuinely looking for your help. I’m often amazed by the insights of TechRepublic members who comment here (except for the occasional troll, but that’s the price of open discussion). What do you think? What combination of the above would you use, or do you have another idea that doesn’t fit into these five strategies?
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Chip Camden has been programming since 1978, and he's still not done. An independent consultant since 1991, Chip specializes in software development tools, languages, and migration to new technology. Besides writing for TechRepublic's IT Consultant blog, he also contributes to

Focus on Your Soul!


If you truly want to break through your addiction to mediocrity, your recovery must be spiritual. It doesn't necessarily involve going to church. That is good, but without a personal relationship with God, churchgoing is empty. Focus on what your soul hungers and thirsts for: to relate to God. God bless you as you pass on this message of hope to five others Bishop TD Jakes My prayer for you today ;
(1) You will find favour with someone you don't expect ...Amen. (2) You will be too relevant to be ignored,.............Amen. (3) You will encounter GOD and will never remain the same,..........Amen. (4) The grace for completion will come on you, you shall be blessed till the blessed call you blessed,...........Amen. (5) The hand that will send this message to others shall not labour in vain,.........Amen (6) The mouth saying ''Amen'' to this prayer shall laugh forever,...........Amen. Very Very soon and I say Very Very Very soon, GOD is going to do a miracle and lift u up 4 GOOD.

Regards Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.***For Me It's The Challenge -*****The Challenge To Try To Beat Myself And Do Better Than I Did In The Past. I Try To Keep In Mind Not What I Have Accomplished But What I Have To Try To Accomplish In The Future.You Are The One Who Must Choose Your Place.

Owino Market Burns to Ashes! :<(

A large part of St Balikuddembe (formerly known as Owino) Market has been gutted in fire this morning, Daily Monitor has learnt.( This was on 25th/ Feb/2009.
According to police spokesperson Judith Nabakooba, the fire started at about 5 am though some traders at place say it started about
Hundreds of traders are reported wailing over the loss of their properties worth millions of shillings.
There is still confusion and chaos at the market as the fire rages on and efforts by the fire fighters to stop the fire are still futile as the blaze continues to spread to other stalls in the market.
The Inspector General of Police Maj. Gen Kale Kayihura has also been active at the scene to assess the situation.
Fire broke out at about this morning at Owino Market.
A horde of people has also gathered around the market to witness the tragedy.
Meanwhile, there was a scuffle between the fire fighters and the owners of the burnt property who were trying to intervene in stopping the fire but police stopped them.
Fire fighters struggling to put off the fire since 5 am.
Some of the traders were unhappy with the fire brigade claiming that the fire fighters took long to arrive to the scene despite the fact that the fire station is in an eye-sight of the market.